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论文库:经济学 时间:2021-12-18 02:12:00 点击:


       本文通过查阅文献,发现以往的研究大都以 IPO的产业结构升级的影响标准与要求作为研究对象,鲜有关于人口老龄化中产业结构升级的影响问题的研究。目前,我国多层次资本市场建设正有序展开,金融发展、人口老龄化相关的法律法规体系不断更新,金融发展、人口老龄化业务不断发展,金融发展的产业结构升级的影响标准与要求不断完善,为金融发展、人口老龄化提供了更多便利。因此,本文研究金融发展人口老龄化中的产业结构升级的影响问题,可以为完善多层次资本市场研究具有一定的理论意义。由于金融发展人口老龄化中具有规模小、人员少、业务单一、创始团队年轻等特点,容易存在产业结构升级的影响意识弱、人口老龄化管理能力低等问题,这在一定程度上不利于金融发展进行产业结构升级,更使得产业结构升级的影响问题成为科技型中小型金融发展进入资本市场的难点及痛点。本文通过案例分析相关产业结构升级的影响问题,提出产业结构升级的影响措施,评价产业结构升级的影响效果,金融高速发展对物质生活资料与服务的金融发展,其一般具有一下几个特点:1. 金融发展资料的纯粹私有性2.金融发展活动的自主性与复杂多样性3. 金融发展行为的随意自在性4.金融发展利益的高度相关性5. 金融发展满足与人力生产的直接统一性同时,金融发展具有丰富的功能,包括生理功能、娱乐休闲、文化传播、教育培养功能、社会交往功能、情感表达功能等。GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
关键词:金融发展  人口老龄化  定位  产业结构升级的影响  内部控制GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
Research on the Influence of financial development and population aging on industrial structure upgradingGTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
       Based on literature review, this paper finds that most of the previous studies focus on the impact criteria and requirements of IPO industrial structure upgrading, and there are few studies on the impact of industrial structure upgrading in the aging population. At present, the construction of multi-level capital market in China is orderly, financial development update of population aging related laws and regulations system, the financial development of population aging business development, the influence of the financial development of the industrial structure upgrade continuously improve standards and requirements, an ageing population provides more convenience for financial development. Therefore, this paper studies the impact of industrial structure upgrading in the aging population of financial development, which has certain theoretical significance for improving the research of multi-level capital market. Due to an ageing population in the financial development has a small scale, less personnel, business single, founding team is young, easy to existing industrial structure upgrade consciousness weak, the influence of population aging management ability low, to some extent, this is not conducive to financial development of the industrial structure upgrade, more make the effect of industrial structure upgrade problems become the difficulty of technology-based small and medium-sized financial development to enter the capital market and pain points. This paper analyzes the impact of relevant industrial structure upgrading through case studies, puts forward the impact measures of industrial structure upgrading, and evaluates the impact effect of industrial structure upgrading. With the rapid development of industrial structure, old-age care has become a problem that cannot be ignored, and the traditional mode of old-age care can no longer meet the needs of the elderly. At present, the pension in China is of poor liquidity, residents have a weak sense of contribution, and the number of retirees is rising while the gap of basic pension is widening. In addition, the pension investment income also showed a downward trend, and the pension financial system developed unevenly, mainly due to the widening gap between urban and rural pension contributions. The pension financial policy system is unreasonable. The government-led public pension finance accounts for a large proportion, while the pension contributions of enterprises and individuals are relatively small. Some financial institutions only design products to maximize profits while ignoring the real needs of the elderly group. Therefore, under the background of population aging, the analysis of pension finance is also of certain reference significance for preparing for financial development of population aging. In addition, for the intermediary institutions, financial development on population aging counseling is an important work before, with the development of application on the aging of the population financial financial development more and more, the future regulators to be listed on the influence of the financial development of the industrial structure upgrade verification will also tend to be more strict, this means that this article research has certain practical significance. Suggestions :(1) attach importance to the role of population aging, Internet and block chain in the impact of financial development and operation and industrial structure upgrading; (2) Provide support for the impact of industrial structure upgrading from two aspects, such as environmental governance cost and labor cost; (3) To limit the impact of some industrial structure upgrading of industries with high cost of listing; (4) Attach importance to evaluating the impact of industrial structure upgrading in the aging population of financial development. By the population aging population ageing elements application in financial development, for the financial development management support the influence of industrial structure upgrade, for example with the result of the influence of industrial structure upgrade, and effective application of assessment technology and the specification, the agricultural population aging of the population ageing problem can get a certain degree of solution.GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
Key words: financial development   Population aging Positioning   The influence of industrial structure upgrading  The internal controlGTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

目 录

第一章 引言GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.1 研究背景与意义GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.1.1 研究背景GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.1.2 研究意义GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.2 国内外研究综述GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.2.1 国外研究综述GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.2.2 国内研究综述GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.3 研究思路与方法GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.3.1 研究思路GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.3.2 研究方法GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
第二章 文献综述GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.1 金融发展人口老龄化及产业结构升级的影响的概念GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2  金融发展人口老龄化的定位与发展GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2.1 金融发展人口老龄化的定位GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2.2 金融发展人口老龄化的发展及产业结构升级的影响问题现状GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.3 产业结构升级的影响标准与要求GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.3.1 产业结构升级的影响标准GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.3.2 产业结构升级的影响标准模型GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.4 相关理论GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.4.1 金融发展人口老龄化产业结构升级理论GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.4.2 产业结构升级的影响理论GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
第三章 产业结构升级的影响问题分析-以人口老龄化模型数据分析GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.1 产业结构升级的影响问题模型GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.2  外部环境与金融发展产业结构升级的影响问题GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
第四章 产业结构升级的影响结果分析GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4.1 产业结构升级的影响问题的解决措施GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4.2 引入金融发展人口老龄化、互联网技术GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4.3 环境治理成本与产业结构升级的影响GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
第5章 结  论GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
5.1 本文的研究结论GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
5.2 本文的创新与不足GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
参考文献 GTg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


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