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论文库:管理学 时间:2021-12-18 02:11:00 点击:

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关键词: 温州机场,市场竞争,营销策略dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
       To civil aviation transportation system, the importance of airport which is both the beginning and the end of a journey, speaks for itself. Airport decides whether the civil aviation transportation system can work smoothly, and plays an indispensable role no matter as functional transportation in major activities or as urgent transportation in emergent matters. Meanwhile, to a city or an area, an airport, a gateway to the outside and a bridge connecting the spaces, can remarkably enhance the competitivity of the city or area, which helps its economic development and opening up to the outside. Recently, with the rapid development of traffic transportation industry, airport faces competitors from different areas such as high-speed rail, highway, steamship, etc., besides the internal challenges within the industry. Under this circumstance, in order to obtain a bigger market share to get a more competitive position, airport has to seek a new marketing method and strategy and deals with market-oriented competition with more open posture.dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
        The research target of this article is Wenzhou Longwan International Airport (hereinafter referred to as “Wenzhou Airport”) which locates in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province; it is classified as 4D for air-field area class, Level 8 for fire protection level, and owns a 3200 meters long, 45 meters wide runway (including 60 meters runway shoulder) and 3200 meters parallel taxiway, and it has a crucial significance on the development of transportation industry, logistics industry and tourist industry of Zhejiang Province and even its surrounding provinces and cities. According to the existing research of the experts combined with my own theoretical experiences and work practices, taking Wenzhou Airport as the research target of the text, I did deep analysis and study on this airport’s marketing strategy, from the general introduction on the aspects of the airport’s macro environment, industry circumstances, internal environment, to the analysis and evaluation of the surrounding of Wenzhou Airport with PEST Analysis Model, Porter’s Five-Forces Model and SWOT analysis, and chose an applicable marketing direction for Wenzhou Airport development on the basis of the evaluation on the result of current situation and environment of Wenzhou Airport in the end, so as to make a detailed implementation strategy. I hope this article can initiate the subject and attract more brilliant ideas, so that it can make any slight contribution to the improvement on marketing competition of Wenzhou Airport.dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
Key words: Wenzhou Airport, marketing competition, marketing strategydcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
目    录dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  1.1 选题背景及意义dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.1.1 选题的背景dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.1.2 选题的意义dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  1.2 相关理论和文献综述dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.2.1 相关理论dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 PEST环境分析法dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 SWOT分析法dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障迈克尔・波特五力分析模型dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障市场营销相关理论dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.2.2 国内外文献综述dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  1.3 研究方法和主要内容dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.3.1 研究方法dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    1.3.2 研究内容dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2. 温州机场的航空市场营销环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  2.1 温州机场的航空市场营销外部环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.1.1 温州机场的航空市场营销PEST分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 温州机场的航空市场营销政治环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 温州机场的航空市场营销经济环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 温州机场的航空市场营销社会环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 温州机场的航空市场营销技术环境分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.1.2 温州机场的航空市场营销五力模型分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 潜在竞争者分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 现有竞争者分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 替代品分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 买方分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障 卖方分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  2.2 温州机场的航空市场营销内部条件分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.2.1 温州机场简介dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.2.2 温州机场企业人力资源分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.2.3 温州机场企业文化分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2.4 温州机场企业财务能力分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2.5 温州机场企业营销能力分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  2.3 温州机场的航空市场营销SWOT分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.3.1 温州机场的航空业务营销优势分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障设施设备优良dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障航空运输发展态势良好dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障员工福利待遇良好dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.3.2 温州机场的航空市场营销劣势分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障争取政府扶持的能力较低dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障组织机构运转尚待磨合dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障一线员工流失率较高dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障经营意识还需市场化dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.3.3 温州机场的航空市场营销机会分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障国家经济高速发展dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障人民的收入不断提高dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障民用航空市场的政策将有所放松dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障机场地理位置优越dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障机场区域咨源广阔dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    2.3.4 温州机场的航空市场营销威胁分析dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障航空市场日益开放,导致竞争对手增多dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障其他交通出行方式的竞争dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3. 温州机场的航空市场营销战略制定dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  3.1 温州机场的航空市场营销战略目标dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.1 温州机场的总体战略目标dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.2 温州机场的航空市场目标市场战略dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.3 温州机场的航空市场定位dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.4 温州机场的航空市场市场细分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障根据市场区域划分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障根据年龄结构划分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障根据顾客消费能力划分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障按照顾客类型划分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障按出行目的划分dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.5 温州机场的航空市场目标市场选择dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.1.6 温州机场的航空市场战略定位dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
  3.2 温州机场的航空市场营销组合战略制定dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.2.1 产品dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.2.2 价格dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.2.3 渠道dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    3.2.4 促销dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4. 温州机场的航空市场营销策略实施和保障dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    4.2.1 人力资源保障措施dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    4.2.2 财务制度保障措施dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    4.2.3 组织机构保障措施dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
    4.2.4 科学管理保障措施dcL毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
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