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A study of the natural factors in Wordsworth's Poems

论文库:文学 时间:2022-02-16 15:11:38 点击:

1、 Research backgroundHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
In the period of British Romanticism, "nature" has undoubtedly become the subject matter for many scholars to create. Influenced by the social environment at that time, nature has been endowed with extremely rich meaning and connotation. In the eyes of romantic poets, nature is emotional and human, and a large number of poems about nature emerge in endlessly, Among them, Wordsworth's works are particularly remarkable for their profound and original views on nature. Among many romantic poets, Wordsworth is undoubtedly one of the closest to nature. For nature, he is not only a simple observer and admirer, but also deeply melts his feelings into nature. For Wordsworth, nature is an emotional necessity and the foundation of his feelings. With his deep and systematic view of nature, Wordsworth constantly ponders the eternal topic of nature and human beings. The poet shows his thinking of nature and human in his works, which provides more and better space for future generations to study and learn. However, it has been frequently discussed in the connection with politics, feminism, ecology and other external systems, which has become a controversial topic in Wordsworth's critical circle. Wordsworth's reputation as a poet of nature is also questioned from time to time. This paper studies the natural factors in Wordsworth's poems in order to restore the original appearance of natural thoughts in Wordsworth's poems.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2、 Research significanceHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
William Wordsworth is an outstanding romantic poet and one of the great natural poets in the history of English literature. He is famous for showing the beauty and magic of nature, reflecting his personal communication with nature, and exploring the relationship between man and nature. As the main melody, nature has been echoing in his poems.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
This paper summarizes the natural factors contained in his poems, extracts the characteristics of nature in his poems, and then maintains his position as a natural poet. It also traces the origin of this view of nature from the perspective of culture and history, and further explores the foundation of the unshakable position of nature in his poems.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3、Theoretical assumptionHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
Through the reading of Wordsworth's poems, we find that there are a lot of poems praising nature in Wordsworth's poems. We think that Wordsworth's natural poems are unique. This topic conjectures that this uniqueness is related to the poet's unique life experience, his time and cultural environment. Therefore, I hope to summarize the uniqueness related to nature in his poetry and the source of these uniqueness.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4、 Literature reviewHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4.1. Domestic researchHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
There are many researches on the natural factors in Wordsworth's poems in China. Xu Hongxia selects the fragments of Wordsworth's Prelude and roaming and points out that Wordsworth has always been devoted to cultivating readers' poetic imagination. She thinks that the nourishment of imagination cannot be separated from the synergy of nature, books and religion. Zhu Linhua contrasts Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming. From the perspective of poetic image, he makes a general survey of their pastoral poetry creation, analyzes the differences in image selection and image combination, and explores the cultural and philosophical differences between China and the West behind them. Tan Xiumin thinks that Wordsworth described a peaceful and harmonious natural scenery in his poems, expressed his admiration for nature and respect and sympathy for ordinary people, and criticized the impact of modern industry on traditional civilization. This harmonious view of nature is consistent with the theme of building a "harmonious society" in China. It is still of great guiding significance and practical enlightenment for people to deal with the relationship between man and nature today. Through examples and analysis, Pei Jiejun studies the causes of Wordsworth's naturalism complex, and concludes that Wordsworth's growth experience, attitude towards nature and philosophical thought are the main causes of Wordsworth's naturalism complex. Gao Wanlong thinks that after the decline of Christianity in the early 18th century, the tendency of nature worship appeared in European poetry and painting. This tendency was first found in English natural poems and paintings, and then extended to other European countries. Wordsworth and Coleridge used pure inspiration to write natural poems, especially Wordsworth's poems integrated nature and human nature. Wang Feng believes that from the phenomenological interpretation of Chinese poetry, Hartmann reveals Wordsworth's unique view of nature and imagination, that is, both nature and imagination transcend their original existence in the dialectical movement of consciousness, and the unity of nature and imagination goes beyond the original freedom and becomes the fusion of self-action. Shi Yuan thinks that Wordsworth, a British Romantic poet, constructed multiple figure background relationship in his poem Ode to Narcissus, and created vivid and changeable figure background configuration by using various artistic techniques, which made Narcissus stand out as a figure and become a symbol of nature, The poet's view of nature is embodied in the natural symbol "Narcissus", which integrates human nature, rationality and divinity, and the theme of the poem can be sublimated. Zhao Fang's analysis of Wordsworth's natural poetry with the theory of antinomy is the key to understand Wordsworth's poetry. The antinomy seems to be contradictory to each other, but in fact it contains profound truth, which makes the poem interesting and expresses the poet's complex inner world and thoughts. Li Zeng thinks that Wordsworth's Dingdeng temple is a lyric poem which expresses the national feelings euphemistically. It interprets his understanding of the forming British national community, and then expresses his self-consciousness of becoming a national poet and his desire to write "britannity" on the basis of local culture, construct national identity and realize national identity. Zhao Hansong excavates the essence of Wordsworth's poetry and expounds the positive tendency of Wordsworth in his poems. Lu Meihua pointed out that scholars mainly studied Wordsworth's poetry from the aspects of ecological criticism, poetics, feminism, eco feminism and comparative research, revealing the current situation and characteristics of Wordsworth's poetry research and the space for future research. Yu Jinlin analyzes the influence of Wordsworth's living environment, the beautiful scenery of the Great Lakes region, his love of nature and his emotional experience in his youth on his poetry creation, which is the internal cause of the formation of the naturalistic characteristics of his poetry. Tu Huiqin believes that Wordsworth's human earth view is mainly reflected in his understanding of the interaction between natural environment and human activities. He expressed the view of man and earth that man and nature coexist harmoniously from the influence of natural environment on people's emotion, character, morality, life and work, as well as people's reverence and adaptation to the natural environment. Its formation is inseparable from the social environment at that time and the ecological protection thought in Hebrew culture, as well as the poet's unique understanding and grasp of the natural environment. Zhang hongcui and Pang Rui believed that Wordsworth endowed nature with lofty and sacred significance in his poems. This lofty and sacred meaning includes Wordsworth's recognition of nature: it is the giver of human reality, the consolation of human spirit and soul, and the destination of human ultimate meaning. Wang Xiaojing thinks that besides political and social factors, the formation of Wordsworth's view of nature is inseparable from his ups and downs. This paper analyzes the influence of Wordsworth's life experience on the formation of Wordsworth's view of nature from his childhood, University experience, revolutionary career and family life. By analyzing Wordsworth's natural poems, Zhang Jing aims to expound Wordsworth's view of nature and to explore its guiding significance and reference value for human life in modern society. Li Feng believes that poetry and holy words are interwoven, and poets and theologians overlap, which is a long-standing tradition in the history of European thought and culture. Wordsworth and other poets and their theological thoughts in their poems have an important impact on the development of Christian theology in modern Europe. Dai Qianqian believes that the prelude, in the form of autobiography, shows the author's tortuous mental process, especially embodies Wordsworth's Pluralistic Theology influenced by pantheism, Christian theology and Spinoza doctrine, so it has high ideological value. Yang Huifang thinks that Wordsworth's going to nature is the product of the two-way effect of individual and social cultural psychological structure, the need of thinking about the way of human existence based on specific reality, and the inevitable result of his "five in one" world outlook. The emergence of Wordsworth is of great significance to Britain and even to the whole human race. It is manifested in tourism aesthetics, national identity, literary creation, ecological ethics, and living style. Yu Fang and Fuyang believed that he loved nature and was close to nature and regarded nature as the source of human spiritual strength. He strongly advocated that people return to the nature, always think about nature, and purify the mind that is influenced by the earth in nature.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
4.2. Foreign researchHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
Geoffrey Hartman examines Wordsworth's poetry from the perspective of trauma research. He tries to eliminate the trauma of childhood, seeks answers in Wordsworth's poetry to the silent appeal of the lifeless material basis of nature, a kind of reaction ability, and cultivates a kind of refusal to leave what can still be perceived and basic in human life. Abolfazl Ramazani;; Elmira bazregarzadeh compares Wordsworth with contemporary Persian poet sorab severi, and investigates the important influence of searching for "mother of nature" in severi's "water steps" and Wordsworth's "dingden Abbey" in order to find out the similarity and diversity in their voices, showing a natural transfer from innocence to experience. Rahul dhankhar believes that in Wordsworth's poetry, perhaps like other English poets, people see a mysterious and pleasant view of the universe, which is examined both morally and intellectually. He believes that Wordsworth loves "freedom" and poetic English life. Wordsworth was attracted by the poetic beauty of English country life created by his sister Dorothy, and he was determined to keep it in himself and the people he loved. In 1802, Wordsworth confided his choice of Mary in the form of beautiful lyric. Faria Saeed Khan believes that Wordsworth is a human poet who is more concerned with the true happiness and well-being of mankind than with the observation of rainbows and fields. In his poems, he uses nature as a good medicine to cure the sick world and shows how nature heals, cultivates and restores the soul from the weak influence of industry and materialism. Wordsworth is an environmentalist, psychiatrist, educator, in short, the lover of mankind. Dewey W. Hal, based on the value of Wordsworth's poetry and prose, affirms the significance of the relationship between literary romanticism and ecology in establishing complex connections. Ecological literary criticism's query on romantic poetry is not so much a question of self or ideological implication as a presupposition of the intrinsic value of poetry with nature as its unique quality of linking human beings with the environment. According to Bon Chul Ku, the theme of the poem is the relationship between nature, man and society, which marks his early achievements as a great poet. This poem not only contains the central theme of his life, but also points out the style and form of the poem, which will be the bud of his later development. By reading various documents, including letters, poems, lectures and memoirs, Brandon C. yen can restore a fragment of literary history, and better understand the tension between poetry and Science in Wordsworth's poetry, especially an unforgettable Irish story in the journey and on the power of sound. H. Beaumont, Bart thinks,In The Prelude, William Wordsworth explores the complexity of seeing, in light of the density of filters through which we access the world, and invites the question of whether literature and art, as mediators, enable or subvert the moral witnessing of crises. In the course of his exploration, he declares the eye to be the “most despotic” of the senses, which reveals that the problem of mediation goes well beyond the presence of cultural filters. This article enters the ongoing conversation on the politics of mediation by presenting Wordsworth’s epic as a postmodern experiment on whether it is possible to know existence free of filters and whether such an aspiration serves the interests of humanity. Mark S. Cladis make three surprising and related claims. An important strand of Romanticism: 1) embraced and championed the idea of second nature (the formative importance of traditions, customs, and practices); 2) espoused progressive democracy, which included political, economic, and social justice; and 3) understood an intimate connection between (1) and (2). I focus on British Romanticism, especially on the early work of William Wordsworth. In the conclusion, I show that this argument about Romanticism and second nature has broad implications for contemporary democratic society.Angus ledingham traces a feature of Wordsworth's diction from the examples of lyric ballad and short journey, and reveals the complex relationship between Wordsworth's ethical thought and the French Revolution, which is secularized.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
5. Research methodsHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
The method of literature analysis: by collecting and studying the relevant monographs, journals, dissertations, reports, newspapers and government documents, the collected literature is systematically compared and summarized, so as to deeply consider and recognize the influence of nature in Wordsworth's poetry.HcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
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4. OutlineHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.1 research backgroundHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.2 research significanceHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
1.3 literature reviewHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2. The characteristics of Wordsworth's Natural PoetryHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.1 eternal care for natureHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.2 gazing at the love of natureHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.3 religious conversion to natureHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
2.4 projection of nature's selfHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3. The cultural origin of Wordsworth's natural poetryHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.1 the view of nature in the BibleHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.2 animism in Greek mythologyHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.3 public worship of natureHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障
3.4 cultural thoughts on natureHcX毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

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