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       相信不少人都听说过MSc,MPhil和PhD,但是对于其中的概念意义,以及区别想必了解并不清楚。MSC全称是Master of Science,MPhil的全称是Master of Phisolophy,PhD的全称则是Doctor of Phisolophy。前两者指的是硕士学位,一个是理学硕士,另一个则是研究硕士。Mphil是从MSC到PhD这一过程中的过度部分,而PhD则是哲学博士学位的意思。对于三者的概念意义以及其中关联现在大家清楚了,那么三者之间的区别又有哪些呢。下文笔者将重点讲讲MSc,MPhil和PhD有什么区别,并分享相关内容要点。tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  全称Master of Philosophy。一般,英国硕士学位分两种:授课型和研究型tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  3.Ph.D=Doctor of Phisolophy,这里的philosophy在当今时代指的不是哲学。曾经PHD被一度认定为哲学博士,但因为哲学是一切科学之母,所以当今时代PHD泛指一切学术型博士。tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  所谓哲学博士,是指拥有人对其知识范畴的理论、内容及发展等都具有相当的认识,能独立进行研究,并在该范畴内对学术界有所建树。因此,哲学博士基本上可以授予任何学科的博士毕业生。改革开放后,我国逐渐兴起的“专业学位”博士的称呼并没有照搬西方,一般不称作PhD,而是每个专业各有其简称。Ph.D是指学术研究型的博士。另外还有公共卫生学博士、组合密封以及Prüfung Hochschuldeutsch 大学德语考试等其它含义。tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障



  Apart from the fancy energy self-sufficient world dipicted in science fictions, I hold the belief that building a novel energy-based society is achievable in the foreseeable future. In recent years, scientific breakthroughs have contributed to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, solar powered mobile phones and direct thermal-to-electrical energy conversion systems, which were all beyond our imagination decades ago. Since fiction is metamorphosing into reality swiftly, with the hope that I could fully participate in this transformation, I initiated my journey into the exploration of energy materials at XX University. My long-term goal is to become an expert in energy field, especially energy harvesting, storage and conversion.tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  1.语言流畅,思路清晰,词汇适当,grammar error freetYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障




  My excellent performance in major courses won me the very first opportunity to be part of a province-level research project, which focused on A. Motivated by the possibilities of this undertaking, I fully immersed myself in. I spent literally the entire day conducting experiments via different testing apparatuses and running various preparation and characterization methods. The valuable research experience enlightened me that besides precision required in sample preparation and property characterization, the beauty of research lies in the mechanism revelation. I also had a first bite of novel energy storage field, especially A, which plays a critical role in the full implementation of B.tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  1.主体部分直接过渡到first academic experience,无trash内容tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  2.用solid evidence支撑interest/research experience/internship,是文书必备要素之首tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  3.用first academic experience中的inspiration作为motivation自然过渡到 next academic experiencetYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  Desired to level up my expertise in certain field, I pursued graduate studies in an advanced XX research lab at XX University. As a research assistant, I seized every opportunity to enhance my research capability. When the A apparatus was introduced into our lab, I volunteered to assemble and manage the equipment, which afforded me a clear view of its mechanisms. Therefore, when the group encountered issues related to the morphology of particles produced by the apparatus, I proposed to alter the reaction current and inner atmosphere, which significantly improved the sample quality. Meanwhile, during the A analysis of B, I observed a general left-shifting of peaks in the C, which was ignored in the weekly reports. Similar results after repeated experiments prompted me to rule out instrument errors as the cause. After a careful lattice constant calculation, I confirmed that this unnoticeable shifting was caused by the D. My critical thinking and rigorous attitude strengthened my competence, and I was given the go signal to start my independent research.tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  1.通过solid evidence证明abilities/skills,是文书必备要素之一tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  2.通过solid evidence证明abilities/skills来solve specific problems,是文书必备要素之二tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  3.通过solid evidence证明abilities/skills给自己/团队/课题组 bring concrete benefits,是文书必备要素之三tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  4.abilities/skills中强调一下“overcome obstacles”这一块,是文书必备要素之四tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  5.再次利用former experience中的accomplishment作为motivation自然过渡到 next academic experiencetYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  To convince my supervisor of the feasibility of choosing XX as my research topic, I spent two months preparing a comprehensive research proposal. After I commenced my experiments, everything went smoothly until an A emerged during the B and blocked the C. For two weeks, this puzzle lingered. I consulted with several professors and carefully studied their suggestions. As I had developed the habit of documenting my ideas immediately, I reviewed every note until I realized that the unknown D actually originated from E. The relationship was later proved through a simulation and presented in a published paper (I was first author). This discovery, which was the deciding factor in the quality of my independent research, has shown that persistence in thinking and refusal to surrender to challenges are the keys to success. Emboldened by my accomplishment, I continued my independent research on the E, a key point in its application. After successfully achieving F, as first author, I submitted another original paper.tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  1.同样,对于另外一段academic experience, 使用了solid evidenceabilities/skills如何solve specific problems, 且bring concrete benefitstYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障

  2.对于第三段acadmeic experience, 简单带过,作为supporting informationtYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障



  The Department of X at X has long been dedicated to developing innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges in X fields. Your professors and students are committed to looking for possible sources of alternative energy while making current ones more sustainable, an endeavor that parallels my vision. There are over eight prominent professors who stay at the forefront of studying A, B and C. Working with them would equip me with both subject-specific knowledge and integrative understanding across a variety of energy issues. In addition, X’s research centers, especially the A, promote energy innovations by providing university-wide interdisciplinary research and national or international collaborations. Therefore, I will have more access to academic exchanges and cross-university facilities to maximize my success. I believe that with my previous excellent research background, which proved me a broadly educated and highly adaptable person, I am a promising candidate for your esteemed program.tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障


  1.program/department的goal如何与personal goal相match,是结尾段必备因素之一tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障



  4.这些prof/course/subject/resources如何助力你的long and short term goals,是结尾段必备因素之四tYg毕业论文_原创论文网_专业团队保障














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