关键词:微服务 制造执行系统 云平台
Because the business needs of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises are very different, system development and maintenance are facing great challenges. Therefore, for small and medium-sized enterprises, intelligent manufacturing execution is an important part of improving the enterprise manufacturing process. However, the existing manufacturing execution system can not quickly respond to the needs of business reconfiguration. In view of the above situation, this paper proposes a manufacturing execution system (MES) for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises based on micro service architecture. This research mainly introduces the design of micro service architecture and the implementation of MES system based on platform. The system designed in this paper can solve the problem that the business expansion and user needs cannot be quickly responded to by deploying large-scale applications in the traditional centralized architecture, and can provide effective support for the expansion and development of business systems.
Keywords: Microservices Manufacturing Execution System Cloud platform
关键词:微服务 制造执行系统 云平台
Because the business needs of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises are very different, system development and maintenance are facing great challenges. Therefore, for small and medium-sized enterprises, intelligent manufacturing execution is an important part of improving the enterprise manufacturing process. However, the existing manufacturing execution system can not quickly respond to the needs of business reconfiguration. In view of the above situation, this paper proposes a manufacturing execution system (MES) for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises based on micro service architecture. This research mainly introduces the design of micro service architecture and the implementation of MES system based on platform. The system designed in this paper can solve the problem that the business expansion and user needs cannot be quickly responded to by deploying large-scale applications in the traditional centralized architecture, and can provide effective support for the expansion and development of business systems.
Keywords: Microservices Manufacturing Execution System Cloud platform
- 不同企业的MES业务模式存在较大差异。
- 企业内业务流程的动态配置较差。
- 企业信息技术人才短缺。
- 微服务技术采用统一管理的服务注册、服务发现、消息总线、负载均衡等技术,可以快速实现MES系统各业务模块的解耦和组合。将高耦合集成系统应用划分为小粒度的微服务业务模块。对于不同的企业业务系统,可以通过微服务系统将解耦的微服务业务模块进行组装,从而快速实现业务的实施和扩展。
- 微服务技术构建的小粒度业务模块的功能影响范围有限。因此,可以根据企业的业务需求进行快速重构,大大降低了业务重构的复杂性。
- 微服务业务模块可部署为Docker镜像。Docker的快速部署可以实现云的快速安装和实现,可以解决制造行业技术人员短缺的问题。